The Golden Ratio Design System

Unveiling the Magic: The Golden Ratio Unleashed.

For centuries, the world's been entranced by this mystical proportion. Within its embrace lies equilibrium, perfection, and functional beauty.

Imagine comparison, sizes – a larger element besides a smaller one, both revealing each other and both revealing the whole.

Enter the Golden Ratio Design System, rooted in these principles.

It's art in a design system, every stroke echoes the symphony, every pixel is a reflection of its brothers as all are built to the ratio of 1.618, the very same ratio found in the buildings and art we refuse to forget; the pyramids, notre dame, the colosseum, the mona lisa, the houses of parliament and in every beautiful face and every flowering plant, you’ll even find it in the beat of a human heart.

Now you can mimic that ratio in colour and type, grids and corners, components, spacing, icons and pace. In this system, everything is built with the Golden Ratio – brought to pixel-perfect life within the power of Figma’s sublime orchestra.

Design with perfection. Design to be remembered.